The word ‘team’ is packed with so much for only being a four-letter word. Defined, it’s about gathering, supporting, creating forward movement. A cooperative group that works toward a joint action.

Packed with value, individuals make up a team, thus they must step forward with their strengths. They must create a mindset to support themselves, their unique offerings in order to be seen as contributors. They must unlock themselves, step into a vulnerable space in order to show up and help provide energetic flow throughout the team.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” — Michael Jordan

In order for teams to elevate to higher levels each member must solely wipe away what doesn’t work for them. Polish themselves so they stand tall, offer up their soul core power, their unique attributes, this is what drives the success of a team. When this occurs others catch on, are motivated to do the same.

Team Harmony

When team members define their uniqueness, collectively share it, the team then gathers and transforms itself into a tremendous field of success. Teams stand up and shine in a way that outsiders raise their eyebrows. Others lean into team offerings. The team then becomes a prized gift that others want to support, to enhance continued growth.

One Australian Leadership group speaks of, scientists who have identified that when geese fly in formation, each bird flapping its wings creates an uplift for the bird that follows. Together the whole flock can fly over 70 percent further than if they fly alone.

This relates to the cooperation of people working together. When people harness the power of effective teamwork and synergy within their own work teams, they too achieve substantially improved individual and team performance, higher output, greater personal satisfaction, less stress, and a safer workplace.

Leadership Fuel Teams

Another winning factor of teams are their coaches and leaders, individuals who sprinkle guidance to keep energy and forward movement a-flow. When leaders fan team positivity people are fueled to make a substantial mark. Members thereafter are ignited because they know they are seen and heard, they relish stepping into their openness, to be innovative, and are not intensely shaken when they make mistakes. Each team member finds the license to think and perform in new ways. Overall, they are less frightful because they know their leader has their back, that they are on the same page.

Maggie Craddock, president and founder of Workplace Relationships wrote in the Harvard Business Review: a group can accomplish what an individual alone cannot do — even when it comes to individual advancement. 

Fostering a spirit of trust is critical for drawing out the best in any group. Discovering one another’s power styles and how they interact in various situations can be a learning experience for everyone — and it’s the first step in becoming a powerful peer mentor for growth.

Team Culture

A version of a formula that creates a gathering space in the heart a work environment, is team culture. Healthy cultures release sabotage venues and instead grow a fertilized space where teams don’t feel like outliers, they instead move about in the form of an engine that an organization takes pride in.

When we are able to own seats at a team table we all sit tall in a thriving fashion. We are in a heart space of warmth, compassion and support. We gain the license to voice openly and genuinely. We rise above the ashes of what doesn’t work instead of settling in the stuck-ness of it.

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” — Patrick Lencioni

At the end of the day, we must own the simple yet powerful notion that we are placed on this earth to be together, serve one another.

When we invest in teams, ourselves as members:

  • we create an experience that is profound.
  • each member becomes a leader in their own realm.
  • we step up and step out, trusting in a space when everyone is respectful.
  • Profits rise. Life grows. Momentum is experienced by all.

Processes within in powerful teams streamline and all are living a purposeful life that they are meant to. A balance is created and innovation shows up more often than not. Each sees and lives their zone of excellence.

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life forever.” — Amy Poehler